Wisdom Tooth Pain Management

What are your wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth sit at the rear end of your mouth. These are the last adult teeth to come in, and they typically erupt during your late teens or early 20s.

Wisdom teeth are often thought of as evolutionary relics because they were more helpful to your ancestors who needed them to grind tough nuts, roots, and meats. Nowadays, you usually won’t notice your wisdom teeth are even there unless they’re causing discomfort or pain.

What causes wisdom teeth pain?

Pain usually occurs when a wisdom tooth is impacted, meaning there is not enough room in your mouth to accommodate the erupting tooth. As a result, the tooth may only come in partway, may come in at an angle, or may be stuck in the jawbone.

If left untreated, impacted wisdom teeth can lead to several complications, including:
• Damage to your adjacent teeth
• Gum or tooth decay
• Formation of cysts
• Other dental problems

It’s important to get it checked out right away when you experience wisdom teeth pain.

What are the symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth?

Besides pain, an impacted wisdom tooth can cause other symptoms, including:
• Gum problems, including inflammation, redness, tenderness, or bleeding
• Pain or swelling in the jaw
• Bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth
• Trouble fully opening your mouth
• Radiating pain that extends up to your ear, head, neck.

How is wisdom teeth pain managed?

First, the experts at Smile Studio The Dentista perform state-of-the-art panoramic X-Rays to diagnose the source of your wisdom teeth pain accurately. Then, they create a customized treatment plan that focuses on the least invasive options available.

If you or a family member is suffering from wisdom teeth pain, call smile studio the dentist or schedule an appointment online right away.