Cosmetic Dentistry


Being able to smile with confidence is a priceless feeling everyone deserves. Having a nice smile can help you look and feel your best. Studies even show that people live longer and happier lives when they smile. An attractive smile can be a valuable asset in all areas of your life from getting the job or promotion, to dating and meeting new people.

Very few of us are born with perfect teeth, and it is common to have at least a few things you would like to improve about your smile. In today’s image-conscious society, many people find their perceived dental flaws hard to ignore, which can affect self-confidence and often motivate them to seek solutions with the help of a cosmetic dentist. Using the latest techniques and high-quality materials, it is possible to improve the health and beauty of nearly any smile. It is amazing how many of Dr.Sri Durga’s patients become inspired by their new smiles after having smile make overs done!


When patients come in to see Dr.Sri Durga for a cosmetic consultation, she takes a series of high-resolution pictures of their teeth and smile. Looking over these pictures together, she always asks what they would change if she could wave a magic wand and instantly transform their smile. For some, they may like the size, shape, and alignment of their teeth, but the color is something that bothers them. Others may like the color but they have short teeth that are chipped, damaged, or worn down. A lot of times as people age, they show less teeth when they smile leading to wrinkles and sunken in cheeks. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Dr.Sri Durga also sees a lot of patients that show too much teeth and gums when they smile, which creates a disproportionate teeth to gum ratio. All of these issues can be fixed through conservative cosmetic dentistry.


Dr.Sri Durga calls it a smile transformation, but in actuality, having your smile fixed can transform your life! She has seen people instantly gain confidence and embark on a whole new future that they never thought possible. It amazes her that a lot of patients take better care of themselves after having their smile makeover. If your smile is something that’s holding you back, then getting it fixed can be a game changer!

Correct, balance and fix structural and cosmetic flaws.

Investing in yourself with cosmetic dentistry gives you the benefit of improving your smile and bringing out your natural beauty. It can also help improve your overall health. If your teeth are broken, chipped, worn down, or have gaps between them, you may not be able to chew and eat your food thoroughly. Porcelain veneers can help restore these damaged teeth and bond them together strengthening them and preventing future damage. Veneers are also perfect for covering dark colored and stained enamel.

Make you look more attractive!

Along with your eyes, your smile will draw people in when you’re communicating. Dr. Sri Durga designs smiles from the outside in. She believes you need to closely examine a person’s entire face, their skin tone, eye color, and even personality to create optimal results. She is guided by following the Golden Proportions philosophy, which helps her create a smile that is in perfect harmony with the rest of the face.

An attractive smile is in balance when the gums and teeth are in proper proportion and the teeth adequately support your cheeks and lips. Your smile is the center of your face and when it matches your style and personality, you will look and feel more attractive!

Give you a better outlook on life.

Many times, patients come see Dr. Sri Durga so they can become more physically beautiful on the outside, not realizing how their lives will transform on the inside. Struggling with insecurity about the appearance of your teeth and smile can make you feel shy and uncomfortable around others. After a smile makeover, many of these issues are instantly reversed! Dr. Sri Durga sees spirits lift and lives take off as patients become more comfortable with themselves and others. This significant shift often leads to better relationships and more opportunities in life!

Erase years of aging and make yourself look younger.

People spend a lot of money on temporary cosmetic fixes like BOTOX® Cosmetic, fillers, and even plastic surgery to make themselves look younger. Most of these procedures offer only short-term, temporary fixes that must consistently be maintained. In many cases, a rejuvenating smile makeover with porcelain veneers can be a better long-term solution for helping you look younger, happier, healthier, and, in some cases, smarter! Porcelain restorations can provide better support for your lips, and, when used to open your bite, can erase wrinkles from around your mouth. The best part is, these changes are permanent and unlike natural teeth, veneers resist staining and wear. With proper care, a rejuvenated smile can maintain its strength and beautiful appearance for many years.

Can help propel you in your career!

You don’t have to be a celebrity or an actor to realize the positive impact a nice smile can have on your career. Your smile says a lot about who you are. It projects confidence and can make you appear more professional and competent. People like to be around others who smile as they tend to be more open and flexible. In today’s competitive job market, when two equally qualified candidates are competing for the same job, the one with the nicer, healthier smile usually wins.

Prevent future damage to your teeth.

Most people don’t realize that cosmetic dentistry can reinforce damaged and cracked teeth, protecting them from further damage. Teeth that have fractures and worn edges can be strengthened when bonded with porcelain veneers or, in severe cases, fitted with porcelain crowns. Additionally, maintaining healthy gums is important to both your oral and physical health. Placing veneers on teeth that have gaps between them can help protect the gums and lead to better overall oral hygiene.

Improve your social life.

When you have a bright white smile and straight teeth, you’ll likely become more outgoing! Dr. Sri Durga sees it all the time with her veneer patients, they start smiling more and attract positivity into their lives. They feel much better when they look in the mirror, and are more excited to go out, socialize, and live life!

Help you move on with life after a traumatic experience.

Many times Dr. Sri Durga has patients who have experienced a traumatic injury or accident when they were younger that resulted in injury and damage to their teeth. They may have had some emergency patch work done that has become discolored or diminished aesthetically over time. For some, looking at their smile imperfections in the mirror is a constant reminder of that dreadful day. Luckily, cosmetic dentistry techniques can properly repair damage and create a beautiful new smile that allows them to put their trauma behind them!


The consultation is a critical factor in establishing what kind of experience you can expect and understand the results you can achieve.

Dr. Sri Durga sees the consultation as an interview process. You should come in and decide if she is the right fit for the job, and determine if you feel confident in her expertise and recommendations. At the same time, she also needs to make sure your goals are ones she can deliver!

It’s really important for patients to be heard and Dr. Sri Durga encourages you to be involved in your smile design. She likes to listen and make sure that your goals are realistic and obtainable. A smile needs to be able to both function properly and look beautiful!

It’s also important that you feel comfortable and understand the process of the procedure you are having done. Dr. Sri Durga always invites patients to follow up with her if they have any questions they forgot to ask or if they need clarification on something that was discussed.


Dr. Sri Durga views any procedure that makes you look and feel better as cosmetic. It depends on your individual needs. If you lost a front tooth and need an implant or bridge, this can be viewed as cosmetic. Many of the procedures listed below provide both a health and cosmetic benefit:

Teeth Whitening One of the simplest ways to improve your smile is with teeth whitening. With ZOOM!® Teeth Whitening, Dr. Sri Durga can help you to remove stains and rapidly brighten your smile in one office visit. The process is simple – a gel is applied to your teeth that is then activated by a special light. This allows oxygen to penetrate deep into the tooth, lifting stains and creating a brighter, whiter smile. If you prefer to whiten your teeth at home, Dr. Sri Durga can take an impression of your teeth and create a custom-made tray for you to use. We will provide you with professional whitening products to use with the form-fitting tray, helping to ensure excellent results.

Composite Bonding

Cosmetic dental bonding is a very common and very effective way to fill in small gaps between the teeth, restores chipped teeth, and improves an array of other dental issues. It requires very little preparation and Dr. Sri Durga can typically perform cosmetic dental bonding procedures in just one office visit, providing results that beautifully renew the appearance of your teeth.

Porcelain Veneers

If you have crooked, chipped, or stained teeth, porcelain veneers can help to renew your smile quickly and easily. Porcelain veneers can also be used for people with gaps between their teeth, or to reshape or lengthen the appearance of your teeth. These durable shells are custom-made to fit snugly and comfortably over the visible part of the affected teeth. Once bonded to your teeth, veneers can last decades, and provide you with beautiful, natural-looking results and a balanced new smile.

Porcelain Crowns

If your tooth is extensively damaged due to a cavity or injury, you may need it to be covered with an all-ceramic porcelain crown. The end results of crown placement look just like those that can be achieved with veneers. The main difference is that a crown also wraps around the entire body of a tooth. Crowns are useful in situations where we need to fix your bite or where veneers will not be as successful.

Dental Implants

If you have one or more missing teeth, dental implants can help restore the overall appearance and health of your mouth. Dental implants are anchored to your jawbone with a strong titanium post that acts like a natural tooth root. The porcelain crown used to top the implant is restored by Dr. Sri Durga to create a natural appearance that blends in with your surrounding teeth. Dental implants mimic the form and function of natural teeth, which means no special care is required outside of your regular dental routine of brushing and flossing. A wonderful alternative to traditional dentures, dental implants look and feel so natural that you may have trouble distinguishing them from your original teeth.

Porcelain Bridges

Another option for replacing missing teeth is with an all-ceramic porcelain bridge. They are a good alternative in situations when you’re not a candidate for an implant. Bridges are permanently cemented to the adjacent teeth with crowns for stability.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Tooth-colored fillings are becoming the standard for filling cavities. This type of filling offers greater aesthetic benefits and reduces the health risks associated with the amalgam mercury fillings of the past. Using the same durable ceramic material used in porcelain dental veneers and crowns, tooth-colored fillings are composed of a composite resin and bonded to the teeth. They not only serve to better your dental health by treating cavities more effectively, they also look great and are made to blend with your surrounding teeth.

Cosmetic Laser Gum Surgery

Dr. Sri Durga often performs gum recontouring in conjunction with the porcelain veneer procedure. The laser allows him to reshape the gum tissue to give it a more uniform and balanced appearance.

Tooth Contouring & Reshaping

Minor changes to the shape of teeth can be made by recontouring the enamel. This procedure is painless and gives you immediate results!

If you are interested in learning more about our cosmetic dentistry procedures, we invite you to further explore our informative website or schedule a consultation with Dr. Sri Durga.